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Public school professionals and college education students are eligible to apply for membership in the Indiana Professional Educators, Inc.  Membership includes $1 million professional liability insurance.  IPE is a voluntary membership association of independent public school teachers and licensed/

certified educational staff from across the state.

Professional Liability Insurance


Coverage A:

 Up to $1 million per insured per occurrence/$3 million per occurrence, plus the cost of defense, investigation and legal fees.


Applies in the event an IPE member in good standing is alleged to have caused injury or damage to others while performing his/her professional duties.


Errors and Omissions Insurance for claims for damages arising out of a member's duties as a professional educator, including defense costs.


The only criminal act insured under Coverage A is corporal punishment. Incidents involving alleged civil rights or constitutional violations are covered under Coverage A where claims for monetary damages are made.


Coverage B:  

Up to $10,000 per claim per insured.  Coverage for crminal proceedings and/or sexual misconduct limited to $10,000 aggregate per number per policy year.  


This coverage provides reimbursement of attorney fees in a braod range of situations not included in Coverage A.  Allegations of sexual misconduct (not if found guilty of sexual misconduct) and employment related actions against an educator involving dismissal, revocation of certification and other professional rights and duties.


In actions involving, for example, termination, salary, reassignment, certification or resignation, the matter in dispute must be resolved in favor of the member to qualify for the full reimbursement of $10,000. However, $500 of this amount is available for initial consultation and research, whether or not the member prevails, to detrmine if there exists a reasonable chance of the case being resolved in the member's favor.


Coverage C:

 Up to $1,000 premium bail bonds.


Note:  The duty of the insured to defend extends to even groundless, false and frivolous suits or accustaions.


This brief description of the policy is to provide information only to memvbers and in no way alters or modifies the policy on file with IPE.







As long as the educator is within the scope of his/her professional duties, the policy covers liability injury to students and others while the educator is conducting  visits to industrial and commercial establishments, entertaining centers, outings, picnics and other similar school functions, subject to specific automobile, watercraft and aircraft exclusions.

Major areas not covered:

- Activities not conducted in the insured's professional capacity.

- Liability related to an insured's own injury, worker's

   compensation, unemployment or disability benefits.

- An insured acting as a school board member similarly constituted


This insurance package is designed specifically for active members and student members of the Indiana Professional Educators, Inc.


Associate members are not covered by the professional liability insurance.


Professional: $107.00

Student:      $ 25.00

Associate:  $ 15.00 (no liability insurance)



FAQ Regarding Insurance Coverage


Q.  Are libel and slander covered?

A.  Yes, while the member is engaged as a professional educator.


Q.  A student is physically injured during a scheduled football practice.  He alleges negligence on the part of the coach.  Is the coach covered?

A.  Yes, under Coverage A.  For example, should a coach instruct a player to "run the bleachers" as a discipline for missing practice and the student falls and suffers serious injury, the coach will be covered.


Q.  A claim is made against a teacher for damages as a result of the suspension of a student.  Is coverage provided under Coverage A?

A.  Yes, since monetary damages are alleged.


Q.  Are teachers insured against criminal acts?

A.  Corporal punishment, whether civil or cirminal, is under Coverage A.  Any other criminal act is covered under B with a maximum of $10,000 payable whether or not the insured is exonerated.


Q.  A claim is made against a teacher as the result of a student being injured during an experiment in the science lab.  What coverage is provided?

A.  The accident falls under Coverage A.


Q.  A claim is falsely and fraudulently made against a teacher for bodily injury to a student alleging negligence on the part of the teacher.  Is this covered?

A.  Yes, the duty of the insurance company to defend is far greater than the duty to pay.  It pays when an insured is judged liable but it must defend even if the allegations are false, groundless or fraudulent.


Q.  What coverage is there in the policy for a member who feels unjustly terminated or unjustly censured by an administrator?

A.  The policy covers attorney fees up to $10,000, provided termination or allegations at a hearing are resolved in favor of the teacher.  In one case, a teacher was suspended and asked to resign although he felt he had done nothing to void his contract.  Negotiations resulted in the teacher recovering requested pay, a contract of release and a recommendation.  His attorney fees would be paid for under Coverage B.


Q.  An educator is accused of sexual misconduct with a student or another teacher.  Is coverage provided?

A.  Yes, under Coverage B only.  This may or may not be a criminal action but whether criminal or civil, attorney fees up to $10,000 are payable whether or not the educator is exonerated.


Any information provided should in no way be taken as legal advice as IPE is not a legal representative or an attorney.  If legal consultation is needed, please contact us.



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